Welcome to the NJEA Hardship Relief Program

NJEA has created the Hardship Relief Program to help active, retired, and student members through the temporary or permanent loss of their primary residence, food insecurity, or the loss of classroom supplies or materials due to a fire or natural disaster.

*NOTE: This online portal is for events occurring after March 9, 2024. Contact the NJEA Executive Office for a paper application for disaster events taking place prior to March 9.

All NJEA Members

Available Hardship Grants

An HRP Participant can only receive one Hardship Relief Grant per Unforeseen Event.
An Unforeseen Event includes the following: a natural disaster, such as a fire, flood, hurricane, tornado or earthquake; mold infestation in the classroom causing loss of classroom supplies/materials, an epidemic or pandemic; an emergency as declared by a local, state, or federal government authority; or any other large-scale unforeseen event as determined by the Plan Administrator in its sole discretion.


There are four different HARP grants each with unique eligibility criteria available to NJEA members.

Temporary Displacement

The amount of the Hardship Relief Grant for temporary displacement from primary residence will be $1,000 per household.

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Permanent Displacement

The amount of the Hardship Relief Grant for a permanent displacement from primary residence (“catastrophic loss”) will be $2,500 per household.

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Loss of Wage Resulting in Food Insecurity

The amount for food insecurity resulting from loss of income will depend on family size and any other factors the plan administrator, in its sole discretion, deems relevant.

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Classroom Supplies

The amount of the Hardship Relief Grant for the loss of classroom supplies and materials due to damage caused by an Unforeseen Event will be $500.

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All NJEA Members

Grant Eligibility

To apply for any HARP grant, an applicant must:

  • NJEA Membership

    Must be a current NJEA, NJREA or NJEA Preservice member.

  • Apply Once per Unforeseen Event.

    An HRP Participant can only receive one Hardship Relief Grant per Unforeseen Event. An Unforeseen Event includes the following: a natural disaster, such as a fire, flood, hurricane, tornado or earthquake; mold infestation in the classroom causing loss of classroom supplies/materials; an epidemic or pandemic; an emergency as declared by a local, state, or federal government authority; or any other large-scale unforeseen event as determined by the Plan Administrator in its sole discretion.

  • Application Deadline

    Must apply within 12 months of the date of the incident.

  • Required Documentation

    To apply for the Hardship Relief Grant, an individual must complete the required application and provide a statement from their local association president to attest to the unforeseen event. All documents must include an original signature. 

Additional Guidelines and Reservation of Rights

The Trustees are granted the right to establish whatever additional guidelines and rules are necessary for the sound and efficient administration of the HARP, including the right to discontinue making additional Hardship Relief Grants at any time and for any reason and without prior notice to Participants, at their discretion. NJEA reserves the right to change or eliminate the benefit and eligibility rules described above at any time and for any reason.

The full terms and conditions of the NJEA Hardship Relief Program, (“NJEA-HARP”), is governed by the Appendix A, Section A- 7 of the New Jersey Education Association Member Benefit Plan.

* This online portal is for events occurring after Jan. 1, 2024. Contact the NJEA Executive Office for a paper application for disaster events taking place prior to January 1.